[A83] Re: Special ram areas?
[A83] Re: Special ram areas?
> Van: Joe Pemberton <dArkSk8eR@buffbody.com>
> There is an easy way to make 99.99% sure the contents of the program is
> intact and still in the same memory location - do a Cyclic Redundancy
> Check. Add up every single byte in the compiled routine (the actuall
> binary values for the opcodes). Then put a checksum at the end of the
> routine that already has the correct sum. If the added up value equals
> the checksum, then you can call the routine. Else, the routine has been
> written over.
CRC routine? Ah well, here you have one (dunno about the speed). You
probably want to put the _CRCByte routine into the loop of _CRCBlock...
; CRC-16 Calculcations
; Author : Greg Young, Z-World.
; These functions compute the 1021-CRC used in many applications
; (XModem, Opto-22 Networking, Etc.)
;_CRCByte : Shift One Byte into Current CRC-CCITT
; HL = CRC Accumulator
; DE = Pointer to Data
; HL = CRC Accumulator
; DE = DE + 1
push bc ; Protect BC
ld b,8 ; B = Bit Counter
ld a,(de) ; C = Next Data Byte
ld c,a ;
inc de ; Bump Input Pointer
ld a,c ; A.7 = Data.7 ^ CRC.15
xor h ;
add hl,hl ; Accumulator <<= 1
jp p,_CRCB1 ; If A.7 Clear, Move to Next Bit
ld a,10h ; Accumulator ^= 0x1021
xor h ;
ld h,a ;
ld a,21h ;
xor l ;
ld l,a ;
rl c ; Ready Next Bit
djnz _CRCB0 ; Continue til All Bits Shifted
pop bc ; Restore BC
ret ; Done
; _CRCBlock : Compute CRC-CCITT for Block
; HL = Accumulator
; DE = Data Input Pointer
; BC = Byte Counter
; HL = Accumulator
; DE = DE + BC
call _CRCByte ; Shift in Next Byte
dec bc ; Adjust Byte Count
ld a,b ; Continue til Zero
or c
jr nz,_CRCBlock
ret ; Done