[A83] Re: Faster Multiplication
[A83] Re: Faster Multiplication
At 03:42 PM 5/31/01 EDT, you wrote:
>The only problem that i see with that, is it requires doing power...which
>sort of defeats the whole purpose...
>(3+8)^2-(3-8)^2 == (3+8)(3+8) - (3-8)(3-8)
>There are 2 multiplication that would be required, which rises another
>if you have to divide by 4, that is even slower then multiplication can be
You don't divide by 4, you shift right 2 times which is the same thing (and
shifting is really fast compared to division).
Thomas J. Hruska -- shinelight@crosswinds.net
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"