[A83] Re: decompiling a romshot
[A83] Re: decompiling a romshot
You did disable labels and data finding correct?
Otherwise, with a the rom image, it is going to look
very, very funky, you'll probably get mostly .db's.
There is no easy way to determine whether sometime is
meant to be code, or if its meant to be data. And if
you used labels, you will run into problems since the
rom is paged.
It probably took so long because of the labels and
datafinding.... Lets see, a disassembled 83p rom,
without labels and data finding on... 7.5 meg source
file, with a 12.5 meg List file, done in 5.5 minutes.
The reason I say that it has limited rom disassembly
capabilities, is just that it will do a disassembly of
anything with a .rom extension (no other checking
whatsoever), you just have to tell it where to start.
If the address gets above FFFF, I just start it again
at 4000.
Hope you find what you are looking for in the rom,
thats a hell of a lot of code to wade through.
Jimmy Conner
--- Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net> wrote:
> Thanks, Tijl en Peter.
> It actually worked. Decompiling the VTI romdump
> (including Flash Memory like
> groups, programs). It took exactly41 minutes and 36
> seconds. Now I have
> another problem. How do I edit the 9.57-MB-file?!?!
> :o~
> Actually, I just want to edit the OS, not the other
> mem. Does someone still
> have an original 1.10 BaseCode from TI?
> >> From: "Ronald Teune" <rtwolf@gmx.net>
> >>
> >> Uhm... what *is* a romshot actually?
> >
> >Just a 'picture' of the rom, so a rom dump actually
> >
> >Tijl Coosemans
> >
> >Want a free mail at http://www.mail.be ?
> >
> >
> >It's like a screenshot, but this time, it's not an
> image of the bytes on
> >the screen, but an image of the bytes in the entire
> rom. It's also called
> >rom-image, rom-dump or ROM for short. It is used in
> the emulators like
> emu8x
> >and !VTI!.
> >
> >It contains all of the the programming TI put in
> the calculator so it'd
> >probably be illegal to disassemble (it is when you
> downloaded a new OS from
> >TI's website, read the disclaimer. I can't remember
> if they put such a
> >disclaimer on the software wich comes with the calc
> initially, so... :-)
> >
> >--Peter Martijn
> >
> >>
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Uhm... what *is* a romshot actually?
> >>
> >> Ronald
> >>
> >> >i believe that is why jimmy conner made
> "dissassembler" it has only
> >> partial
> >> >rom support, and i have never tried it though,
> but it would be worth a
> shot
> >> >
> >> >-cole south
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
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