[A83] Re: decompiling a romshot
[A83] Re: decompiling a romshot
At 16:44 2001-05-31, you wrote:
>use Emacs, at least in a linux environment it has no problems with those
>kind of large files. I haven't tested long files with the dos port yet,
>but it should work.
Another tip for windows is UltraEdit. It has no problem with files that large.
I have edited files up to 30MB with it.
But then again, why disassemble the whole rom at once?
Just disassemble the parts you are interested in at the moment...
there is also this problem when you have disassembled just everything, that
the disassembler has no way to tell what is data and what is code.
It is very probable that it has got out of sync a number of times because
of data mixed with code.
(It starts to think arguments to an instruction is the instruction and
things like that...)