[A83] Re: need help with lists!
[A83] Re: need help with lists!
If i'm right the following should do the trick:
.dw 3452,3232,$654A ; we use dw instead of db, so the bytes will be
; in the correct order
ld hl,list
ld a,(hl)
ld d,a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ld e,a
now the first value in list is loaded into de (I don't know if I got the order of d and e correct)
--Peter Martijn
> does anyone know how to use 16-bit numbers in a list? I mean like this:
> list:
> .db 260,1000,350
> and then I want to be able to read the list and put the first value into a memoryvariable like this:
> player = savesscreen
> ld hl,list
> ld a,(hl)
> ld (player),a
> well, this works for a 8-bit number but not for a 16-bit number because >a< is only a 8-bit register. I know I can't do like this:
> ld hl,(list)
> ld de,(hl)
> ld (player),de
> but how should I do this?
> -thanks
> alex
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