[A83] Creating a GUI


[A83] Creating a GUI

I am trying to make a GUI but I'm having a little trouble. I need to
store the selection number in an AppVar but I'm not sure how...For
example I used this to create the appvar I wanted:

 ld hl,Write
 B_CALL ChkFindSym
 jr  nc,beginning
 ld hl,Write
 ld hl,10
 B_CALL CreateAppVar
 inc de
 inc de
 ld a,1
 ld (de),a
Write: db AppVarObj,"WRITE",0

The size should be 10 right? That's not what the calculator says. It
says that it's 271 bytes.  Also, do I have to inc de twice to store
my data or can I just use de's position from ChkFindSym?

caffeine43@netzero.net on 05/20/2001