[A83] Re: Zilog Developer Studio 3.5 / Image Data


[A83] Re: Zilog Developer Studio 3.5 / Image Data

At 18:19 2001-05-19, you wrote:
>Zilog doesn't like ".db", it likes just "db", and the $ doesn't go to
>well either. I tried using the format "db 00h,00h,06h,...etc" but
>when it gets to something like FFh or F0h it throws back an error
>message: Symbol 'FFh' is not defined.

try write 0FFh, many compilers and assemblers doesn't like numbers starting 
with anything else then 0-9.
treats stuff that starts 0-9 as a number and anything else as a symbol.
In the same compilers and assemblers you are often not allowed to start a 
labelname with 0-9 too...

