[A83] Re: Op1 (Op2,Op3...)
[A83] Re: Op1 (Op2,Op3...)
>At 07:27 PM 5/15/01 +0200, you wrote:
>>Hi everybody,
>>I'm new to programming, and I want to know how to put a value in Op1 (or
>>or Op3...). Can I just load them in a saferam variable? Should I make the
>Use the call setxxop1 to send a to OP1 or setxxxxop2 to send hl to OP2.
Now the other way around...
>>Also, is there a for-next routine in asm? Or should I do that with inc and
>You can go like:
>ld b,5
>djnz loop
>The djnz (decrement, jump if not zero) works with b to do looping.
That's cool.