[A83] Re: [Re: 83 help] Linux developement
[A83] Re: [Re: 83 help] Linux developement
> Van: David Phillips <david@acz.org>
> Good. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't something already available
> that I didn't know about.
Okay there are some other Z80-assemblers around that (also) work on Linux.
* Z80ASM - Used by the z88dk ( http://z88dk.sourceforge.net )
* ASxxxx - Used by the GBDK ( http://gbdk.sourceforge.net/ )
* Some Amiga-based assemblers, with source, most of them have been ported
from or to DOS-Win or Linux.
None of them are TASM compatible, at least I haven't found one. Most use a
linker, so they need some extra data to know what labels are
exteral/internal etc. (the reason why they are incompatible)
If you want to find others, go to some programming/download site and search
for "Z80". good places to start, http://www.sourceforge.net/ ,
http://www.tucows.com/ , http://www.download.com/ , etc. etc.
(you should know these already)
Search on the net itself (altavista, google) would give you some other
results, but most of them are of discontinued projects, and for the most
obscure platforms, so you would need an emulator to find out if it works.
Mostly docs are missing, so you would have to try yourself if it's
I think most current Z80-assemblers other than TASM are more or less
compatible between each other. So probalby the main problem is that 3-4
years ago people have bid on the wrong horse. We are *stuck* with TASM.
Not that it isn't a good assembler, but well, it's for DOS only...
Henk Poley
> > I'm using linux, and I'm still using tasm with dosemu,
> > (not with Z80ASM because it uses tasm uncompatible code), zo yes, i
> > want a free Assembly Studio 8x compatible assembler
> >
> > > I'm curious as to how many people use Linux or another alternative OS
> for
> > > development, and how many people would want a free Assembly Studio 8x
> > > compatible assembler. If there's already a nice assembler and tools
> > > Linux that people use, I would be interested in hearing about it.