[A83] Re: One more statment from Hays Games Company
[A83] Re: One more statment from Hays Games Company
If the hays thing was a joke, why did everyone get all worked up about it?
What was the point of that? Hey did you actually sign those people for 300
porn newsletters? If you did, why? Why would you spend like 2 hours signing
up people for porno mailing lists when you could be working on your plan for
world domination? That's what I would be doing if I had any aspirations
toward world domination. Also, I have to admit, I would start with China
cause the
"Psychic spies from China try to steal your minds elation"
China scares me. What with the communism and all. Communism is bad.
Personally I believe all "isms" are bad. Totalitarianism... communism...
anarchism... capitalism... etc.
So, in closing China and "isms"--bad. Me and world domination--good.