[A83] Re: Structs in asm
[A83] Re: Structs in asm
Structs are VERY easy to do in asm.
Here's an example (objects (sprites)):
;At the beginning, make this:
SpriteCount = 24 ;or whatever you want to put there
;Somewhere in the code (at the end) put this:
SpriteTable: .fill 0,24*8 ;Makes 24 blank sprites
;SpriteTable Information
s_x = 0
s_y = 1
s_sprite = 2
s_class = 3
s_flags =7
;This works out to 8 bytes an object,
;bytes 4-6 are internal variables in this example.
You will need a piece of code to display all the sprites, (check bubble
bobble source code if you really want this)
Then code to work with the objects:
ld ix,SpriteTable
ld b, SpriteCount-1
ld a, (ix+s_class)
or a ;Check if class 0, skip otherwise
jr z, SkipSprite
push ix
push bc
call HandleObject
pop bc
pop ix
ld de,8
add ix,de
djnz TheLoop
cp 1
jp z,HandleClass1
cp 2
jp z,HandleClass2
To actually use the variables, they are at (ix + <variable>). This example
system allows the sprite's pictures to be different from the 'class'.
See the Bubble Bobble source code for a real example.
>From: Mike3465@aol.com
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] Structs in asm
>Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 16:03:48 EST
>Hey guys, I'm sure you all have programmed structs sometime before(yeah
>blah blah) and i'm sure you have all realised, but I'm going to write
>something about how to do them in asm, just incase you guys have realised
>and would appreciate it(yeah like that will happen)
>ok, first step, design the struct, here we decide what data will be placed
>into it and what not
>(example from the code i'll be using for doors)
>;1st 2 bytes, x and y on current map
>;2nd 2 bytes, new map in memory
>;3rd 2 bytes, new x and y cordinates(where to move them too)
>;4th 2 bytes, misc data (need key(1st byte), which key(2nd byte) etc...)
>so the data would look like this:
> .db 5,2 ;x,y
> .dw NewMap; Map's name
> .db 4,3 ;new x and y
> .db 0,0
>and then to get the x and y cordinates i would do this:
> ld hl,door
> ld a,(hl)
> inc hl
> ld b,(hl) ;now the x and y cordinates are in a and b respectivly
>and to get the new door:
> ld hl,door
> inc hl
> inc hl
> inc hl ;maybe i could just say,add hl,3 i dunno
> ld de,(hl)
> ld hl,de ;i could leave this out and just work with de too, but
>just a quick thought i had, and thought i would give that bit of "wisdom"
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