[A83] Re: big numbers
[A83] Re: big numbers
Or how about this? :-)
ld b,4
or a
ld a,(de) ;doesn't affect carry
adc a,(hl)
ld (hl),a ;doesn't affect carry
inc hl ;doesn't affect carry
inc de ;doesn't affect carry
djnz loop ;doesn't affect carry
In a message dated 3/16/01 6:25:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
dwedit@hotmail.com writes:
> hmmmmm... Maybe ADC and SBC have uses after all...
> ;This code pulled out of my ass at 5:23 PM, might possibly work
> ld b,4
> or a
> push af
> loop:
> pop af
> ld a,(de)
> adc a,(hl)
> push af
> ld (hl),a
> inc hl
> inc de
> djnz loop
> pop af
Jonah Cohen