[A83] Re: ARGH! Problems with my getcsc prog
[A83] Re: ARGH! Problems with my getcsc prog
my bad... my bad... i didn't look at all the code first =/ hehe
it could be smaller tho...
sorry 'bout that =)
Original Message
From: "D Weiss"<dwedit@hotmail.com>
Subject: [A83] Re: ARGH! Problems with my getcsc prog
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 21:34:47 -0600
>For the hell of it, here's a working program. (requires Dwedit.inc)
>#include "dwedit.inc"
>tTitle: .db "Getcsc Test!"
> ld hl,0 ;Set cursor to 0,0 (you can also use homeup)
> ld (currow),hl
> ld hl,tPressAKey ;hl = pointer to "Press a key!"
> bcall(_puts) ;Display the string located at hl
> bcall(_newline) ;Next line
> call Waitkey ;Get a key
> cp g2nd ;Check if key is 2nd (g means it's from getcsc and
> ;not the other ways to get keys)
> jr nz,Not2nd ;If not 2nd then skip ahead.
> ld hl,tPressed2nd ;hl = pointer to "You pressed 2nd."
> bcall(_puts) ;Display it.
jr done
>Not2nd: ;If the key was not 2nd, it jumps here
> cp gAlpha ;Check if alpha
> jr nz,NotAlpha ;If not alpha, skip ahead
> ld hl,tPressedAlpha ;hl = pointer to "You pressed Alpha"
> bcall(_puts) ;you know
>NotAlpha: ;Jumps here if not alpha
> bcall(_newline) ;This next code will display OK.
> ld hl,tOK
> bcall(_puts)
> call Waitkey
> ret ;END OF PROGRAM!!!
> ei
> bcall(_getcsc) ;if you are making this for the TI82 make this icall(
> or a
> jr z, WKA_loop
> ret
>tPressAKey: .db "Press a key!",0
>tPressed2nd: .db "You pressed 2nd.",0
>tPressedAlpha: .db "You hit Alpha.",0
>tOK: .db "OK.",0
>>From: "Steve Watson" <fif_freak00@hotmail.com>
>>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>>To: Assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>>Subject: [A83] ARGH! Problems with my getcsc prog
>>Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 17:02:33 -0700
>>Well, TASM keeps reporting that there is "unused data in MS byte of
>>argument" in lines 19 and 21, which is where I jr to either k2nd or kAlpha
>>(labels, not things in the include file). I had to make them those labels
>>because if they weren't those labels, TASM would say that there were no
>>labels of those names. Anyways, if anyone finds any problems (someone
>>on this list gave me this code), tell me.
>> .nolist
>> #include "ion.inc"
>> .list
>>#ifdef TI83P
>> .org progstart-2
>> .db $BB,$6D
>> .org progstart
>> ret
>> jr nc,begin
>> .db "Getcsc.inc Test!",0
>> bcall(_clrlcdf)
>> bcall(_homeup)
>> call waitkey ; Call our 'waitkey' subroutine
>> cp k2nd
>> jr z,k2nd ; Handle the 2nd key
>> cp kAlpha
>> jr z,kAlpha ; Handle the Alpha key
>> call waitkey ; Call our 'waitkey' subroutine
>> ret ; Last 'ret' in program -> return to shell
>>; Subroutine
>> ei
>> bcall(_getcsc)
>> or a
>> jr z, WKA_loop
>> ret ; return were we came from
>>; Subroutine (not a real one)
>> ld hl,txt
>> bcall(_puts)
>> jr back ; Jump to the end of our program
>>; Subroutine (not a real one)
>> ld hl,txt2
>> bcall(_puts)
>> jr back ; Jump to the end of our program
>>; Data
>> .db "You hit 2nd",0
>> .db "You hit Alpha",
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