[A83] Re: Collision detection Routine
[A83] Re: Collision detection Routine
Thanks Gavin that helps me immensely.
To check to see if it hits the wall or ceiling, i
would use IonGetPixel, right?
--- Gavin Olson <gtolson@snet.net> wrote:
> At 12:34 PM 3/15/01 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hey everyone! I'm rather new to the list and
> programming in z80
> altogether. I've made a couple simple programs and
> ports and now I'm
> working on something bigger than I have ever tried
> before, Snood for Ion.
> I am unsure whether you have played it before, but
> it is a rather addicting
> reverse Tetris-like game where you shoot different
> shaped "snoods" (for
> lack of a better word) up and they can bounce off
> the walls and stick to
> the ceiling or another snood. The problem i am
> having is developing an
> adequate collision/bouncing/sticking routine. Is
> this even possible? Any
> help would be greatly appreciated.
> >Thank you very much for you time,
> >Steve
> >
> If you launch a projectile with a rise and run in
> pixels (faster than
> polar) then you simply invert the run (if it bounces
> off a vertical wall)
> or the rise (when ift bounces off the hirizontal
> wall).
> For collision, I don't know if you are using a
> Tetris0style block system or
> an analog block system. The Tetris block system is
> simle, just check for
> an occupied tile accross the piece. For an analog
> type thing, it is
> fastest to use square blocks otr at least a square
> collision box (The TI-83
> screen doesn't show detail enough to matter). You
> check to see if any
> other blocks are within a distance equal to the
> length of one side of the
> box on the X or Y direction. It gets long in ASM,
> and will probably be very
> spagetti-ish.
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