[A83] Re: Video compression


[A83] Re: Video compression

Adding more/better compresion probably isn't very good for the speed (BUT a 
slower decompression needs less frames to keep te video-stream at te correct 
speed --> less frames, less data, smaller video-files ;)

> Another small question from the Netherlands coming in:
> can anyone give me more techniques for compressing video and still
> images in
> Z80 assembler? As you might now, I'm the author of TItanium MultiMedia,
> which converts Windows and Quicktime video's to your TI83. The current
> compression system is in my opinion the most reliable and compact, but
> maybe
> someone has more ideas for it?
> the current compression works like this:
> - convert the source frame to a 96x64x2 format using dithering
> - RLE the B/W 96x64x2 screen
> - RLE the difference (pixels that were modified since last frame) B/W
> 96x64x2
> - check if the 'full' screen is bigger (size :-) than the 'difference'
> screen and save the smallest
> decompression is simple:
> - check if the frame is 'full' or 'difference'
> - if it is 'full', unpack it to @plotsscreen
> - it it is 'difference', unpack it to @saferam1 and XOR it with the
> current
> data @plotsscreen
> If you haven't looked at TIMM yet, please do. Anyone having ideas about
> this, please share them with everyone. I will credit everyone with
> substantial information in the readme and info dialog. Thanks in
> advance!
> yours sincerely,
> Frank Schoep
> ====================
> Forever For Now
> http://foreverfornow.cjb.net
> dsfs98@concepts.nl
> ====================
