[A83] Re: That's Right, it Still Doesn't Work!


[A83] Re: That's Right, it Still Doesn't Work!

I strongly suggest you do this:

Use this asm.bat (which works well, type in 'ASM [progname]')

@echo off
echo ----- Assembling %1 for the TI-83 Plus...
echo #define TI83P >temp.z80
echo #define ION >>temp.z80
if exist %1.z80 type %1.z80 >>temp.z80
if exist %1.asm type %1.asm >>temp.z80
tasm -80 -i -b -l temp.z80 %1.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto ERRORS
devpac8x %1

echo ----- Assembling %1 for TI-83 ION...
echo #define TI83 >temp.z80
echo #define ION >>temp.z80
if exist %1.z80 type %1.z80 >>temp.z80
if exist %1.asm type %1.asm >>temp.z80
tasm -80 -i -b -l temp.z80 %1.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto ERRORS
devpac83 %1

echo ----- Success!
echo TI-83 ION version is %1.83p
echo TI-83 Plus version is %1.8xp
goto DONE
echo ----- There were errors.
del temp.z80 > nul
del %1.bin > nul
del %1s.bin > nul

The above .BAT file requires TASM, Devpac83, and Devpac8x.

Then, put .END and END in various capitilazations anywhere in the program or 
even the include file.  TASM doesn't care where the END is, it just wants 

And if all else fails, use my custom made include file.  It also supports 
the TI82!

>From: "Steve Watson" <fif_freak00@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] Re: That's Right, it Still Doesn't Work!
>Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 19:30:19 -0700
>Well I'm sorry Cole, I'm just 12!  Geez, and I'm SORRY if it offends you
>that I act like a normal human and get frustated!
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