[A83] Re: I need help with Ion programming now
[A83] Re: I need help with Ion programming now
> I think if you would ask around on the Ti-85 (and 86) mailinglists they
> would say you that relocating is changing the (jp-, call- and ld-)
> inside the code, so you can execute the code from any point in memory
> (relocatable code)
I think I know what relocation is. Fixing up all the addresses in a program
is one method of relocation. Copying the code before it's executed is
another form of relocation. Because when you are copying it, you are
"relocating" it, it is then located in a different area in ram.
> Copying doesn't do any changes to the code itself (you hope ;-)...
> Of coarse, the code is then located somewhere else so it is RE-located,
> but...
> The programs on the Ti-83 (and 82/83+) are assembled in a way (.org
> $xxxx-statement) so they execute from ONE point only.
Yes. They are. Therefore they HAVE to be at that address when run,
otherwise they will most likely not work (they will work if they have no
fixed addresses refering to themselves). What I was saying is that I
thought that ION relocated programs to this address (yes, we know it does,
otherwise nothing would work), but that the TI-OS did not.