[A83] Re: Thanks to All Who Helped Me
[A83] Re: Thanks to All Who Helped Me
unless its one of those really badass crashes where the calc's rom becomes
really unstable and resets the ram every time you do something and you end
up having to reset all the memory...
happened to me quite a few times =(
Original Message
From: "Dan Englender"<dan@calc.org>
Subject: [A83] Re: Thanks to All Who Helped Me
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 18:48:37 -0500
>Well, if you use Ion or MirageOS (and we are talking about the TI-83 Plus,
>right...), then there's no problem. For Ion, you can just archive or group
>the Ion install files, so they're not deleted in a Crash. For MirageOS,
>don't have to do anything, since applications aren't deleted by crashes
>-Dan Englender
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "David Phillips" <david@acz.org>
>To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
>Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 6:28 PM
>Subject: [A83] Re: Thanks to All Who Helped Me
>> Because if you can't code and your program keeps crashing and forcing you
>> reset the calc, then that's one less thing to have to send and run
>> everytime? :)
>> > No, you totally missed his point. The reason people use Ion and
>> is
>> > because they provide a better environment for developing software, not
>> > because they make it harder! The TI-83/83+ built-in ASM support is not
>> > useful as it could be, so they made it *easier* and also gave you more
>> > options by allowing you to develop for shells. I can't think of a
>> > reason why anybody would need to develop pure ASM except to write a
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