[A83] Re: Zilog Dev Studio
[A83] Re: Zilog Dev Studio
Yes you can make regular programs with the ZDS, but it really just makes
things harder. The Appguru.hlp tells you how to do this. The Flash debuger
is for 83+ programs meaning *.8xp (For a program). *.83p is a regular 83
file. I recomend using the os mirage (or ion if you want to make things for
the 83). Use the flash debugger if you want to program for mirage and vti
if you want to program for ion. Both are excilent programs.
-----Original Message-----
From: assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org
[mailto:assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org]On Behalf Of Doctor S
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 2:16 PM
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
Subject: [A83] Zilog Dev Studio
I have read a lot of the SDK manual for the 83+ and have succesfully
compiled an application (*.hex file) for the calc with ZDS. I was able to
run the program with the TI-83+ Flash Debugger. My question is twofold. Can
I use ZDS to make normal programs(not apps)? And can I use the flash
debugger to run these programs? I have been unsuccesful loading 83p files
and the like with the Flash Debugger. If there is an easier system to use,
point me in the right direction.
Doctor Slush