[A83] Re: 89 trouble!!
[A83] Re: 89 trouble!!
At 02:12 2001-03-06, you wrote:
>I know this is an 83 ASM list but a bunch of you told me that you had
>89's. It is quite ironic that my 89 is also stuck in a loop where it is
>asking for software and not accepting any from VTI or other calcs, just
>like my 83+ did a few weeks ago. But there is a new twist to this one. I
>downloaded software from the ti store but I can't figure out how to
>install it. With my 83+ software it had a self extracting file where you
>clicked on the Flash symbol and it loaded itself but the 89 software came
>as an .89u file. Can anyone help me or send me software that I can load
>to my calc AMS version 2.00. Muchas Gracias y adios.
>-Direct G-
You do it with the graph link software.
If you had read the instructions on www.ti.com you would have seen it :)