[A83] Re: Ms-dos (OT)
[A83] Re: Ms-dos (OT)
[Olle Hedman wrote]
> [Henk Poley wrote:]
> At 19:32 2001-03-04, you wrote:
> >Hmm, DOS means Disk Operating System, so it's made to operate disks.
> >disks (aka harddrives), removable disks (aka floppy, CD-ROM, DVD, Zip,
> >Jazz) and RAM-disks (and *of coarse* network-drives))
> >MICROS~1 *made* MS-DOS for the 80x86-family of processors (actualy the
> >bought QDOS [Quick & Dirty Operating System] from a little company, when
> >they didn't made it to do it themselves in time -for IBM-). But there
> >many DOSes around even for the Z80, like -indeed- the CP/M, but also the
> >Z88.
> >
> >So a "100% IBM-compatible system" isn't needed to run a DOS. The
> >is, should we need one for the TI-83+ SE?
> Heh, you can't put equalsigns all over the place like that just based on
> part of the name.
> Kindof like saying that MS Windows and X-Windows is the same thing, just
> because they both have "windows" in the name and (among other things)
> handles graphical squares on the screen....
Well, I think this part of your reply is about the "program-pointers" mail?
In that mail I said about Windows: "all versions, as long you can run a DOS
program within it". This is true, if you can run a DOS program under
X-Windows you can run z80asm/z88dk in DOS-mode. (so also on a (i)Mac,
Linux, *nix, etc. If only you have a DOS-emu)
Of coarse you could better run the program in 'native' mode. But, well, I
*know* people who run a virtual-PC on their Mac, just because the emulator
they want to use only runs under MS-DOS/Win on a 80x86
> And we where talking about MS-DOS, and not just any os that handles
> I said MS-DOS needed a ibm pc compatible machine, nothing more, nothing
> MS-DOS only exists for x86. CP/M exists for z80 yes, (and for x86, and
> probably some more)
I began about the other DOSes because of the "CP/M! CP/M! CP/M!"...
So you see, I wasn't the first one who didn't read the "MS-".
> >My answer would be that it would be nice to have some better file
> >so you can actualy "open"a file and read/write "that many" bytes from/to
> >it. And the OS would do the actual file-handling. It would then be a LOT
> >easier to make file-handling routines for a C compiler. I'm quite far
> >them now (Ti-83), but no, it's not "easy"...
> Seems a bit overkill to implement a whole os just for that.
> Does the read and write and open routines really get that big that it is
> motivated to implement a new OS?
> If one should write any new OS for the calc, I would say the biggest
> would be that it is a fun thing to do, not that it is really usefull...
I don't mean an extra layer around the TIOS...
> Isn't full fledged open and read and write a bit of a waste of space on a
> calc anyway, since it actually isn't on disk, but in ram (or flash), and
> doesn't have to be moved to a buffer in ram to be read, like it has to
> you have it on a disk? You can just read it in place.
> ///Olle
My idea was that Ti themselves should add such routines, and, yes I know,
you would need another format of the VAT to (easely) implement
open/close/read/write routines. (yep, you could also store the pointers of
the opened files at another place, so you don't have to change the
The ROM has plenty of room to store another 1-2kb of routines, ain't it?
Another thing, reading/writing would be easier, you would only need to
"remember" a filedescriptor and a pointer to the place you want the
routines to read/write from/to.
At the moment you have to save all the pointers yourself, and you need to
write a new file-handling routine for every new program. Having a built-in
TIOS function to do right that for you would be realy nice. Making games
that have external levels would be easier, making level editors for that
would be easier, making a text editor would be..., on-calc assembler...,
on-calc compiler(!), etc. etc.
Henk Poley
PS: If I'm finished with my code I'll send it to you... (If you like)
PPS: For each file you *only* need seven bytes:
-- 2 bytes EOF-pointer,
-- 2 bytes file-pointer/data-pointer,
-- 2 bytes "file_cursor" [points to the place where you read/write] and
-- 1 byte flags [read/write/append]
-- (add program-name here if "new VAT"}
You see: four of the bytes are (almost) the same as the file-pointer in the
VAT, and the sizebytes at the begin of the program. So it would only take 3
bytes extra per file (whoowww)