[A83] Re: Ms-dos (OT)
[A83] Re: Ms-dos (OT)
[Linus Akesson wrote]
> In accordance with the prophecy, Olle Hedman uttered:
> > At 05:03 2001-03-04, you wrote:
> > >Everybody knows that MS-DOS is the greatest and most compact operating
> > >system of all. When combined with RAM drive software and lots 32k
games, it
> > >rules on systems with removed hard drives.
> >
> > It's compact because it doesn't provide much OS functions. Almost none
> > actually.
> > It's more like an interactive bootloader or something.
> > and yes.. "on systems with removed hard drives" should ofcourse read
> > IMB PC compatible systems with removed hard drives". Not all are
> > But yes, I run ms-dos on my 286 laptop, its the best (with a wide
> > of best) for that one.
> > But now we are off topic :)
> >
> > ///Olle
> CP/M! CP/M! CP/M!
> Linus
Hmm, DOS means Disk Operating System, so it's made to operate disks. (fixed
disks (aka harddrives), removable disks (aka floppy, CD-ROM, DVD, Zip,
Jazz) and RAM-disks (and *of coarse* network-drives))
MICROS~1 *made* MS-DOS for the 80x86-family of processors (actualy the
bought QDOS [Quick & Dirty Operating System] from a little company, when
they didn't made it to do it themselves in time -for IBM-). But there are
many DOSes around even for the Z80, like -indeed- the CP/M, but also the
So a "100% IBM-compatible system" isn't needed to run a DOS. The question
is, should we need one for the TI-83+ SE?
My answer would be that it would be nice to have some better file routines,
so you can actualy "open"a file and read/write "that many" bytes from/to
it. And the OS would do the actual file-handling. It would then be a LOT
easier to make file-handling routines for a C compiler. I'm quite far with
them now (Ti-83), but no, it's not "easy"...
Henk Poley