[A83] Re: RFC TIDEV 0001.1 (was: Re: Re: Free App signing key)


[A83] Re: RFC TIDEV 0001.1 (was: Re: Re: Free App signing key)

...Comments are inside.

> Okay, how about this:
> Request For Comment (RFC TIDEV 0001.1 :-) :
> Guidelines for the decision between a Program an an application.
> NOTE: These guidelines are guidelines, not rules.
> When to convert to an app?
> You should convert to // make an app if your program meets ANY of the
> mentioned criteria:
> -- The program is over 8 kb
...I don't think this is a good enough qualification.  There are lots of
games and programs out there that are over 8K, but converting them to app
format is not necessary.  Now if the amount of code you have in the program
is over 8.8K, then yes, it makes sense to convert it to application so it
will properly run.

> -- The program is not over 8 kb, but if it would be converted to an app,
>    there would be room to enhance performance and user interface.
....This is a good qualifier for any program you want to convert, whether
greater or less than 8K.

> -- The program is essential to run other programs or read other files, so
>    when accidentally deleted in a reset it would be a great loss.
>    (remember, if a program runs, it is unarchived, so a memreset when
>    running or still unarchived, will remove the program)
....Also remember that if you turn MirageOS write-back to archive off, you
wont lose any crashed programs and wont get garbage collections.
Alternativly, you can keep Archive Recover on your calc to recover the
programs.  But yes, for something like the shell to begin with, it might be
useful to have it as an application.

> -- The program is meant for educational purposes, such as, but not limited
>    Explaining a typical hypothetical situation in detail.
>    Enhancing mathematic functions of the calculator
>    Otherwise significally enhancing calculator performance / functioning
...Perhaps, but I don't think you really need to make a big difference for
programs meant for educational purposes.  The program should still be
large/complex enough to take advantage of the app space, and fit all the
other qualifications.

> When to make / leave your program a program?
> You should leave your program a program if it meets ANY of the below
> mentioned criteria:
> -- The program makes intensive use of shell specific features
> -- Your program makes intensive use of write-back
...Well that's what appvars are for, but yes, it can be a pain to convert
code if you use lots of write-back, especially if you use self-modifying

> -- Your program is not original in the forementioned meaning.
> -- Your program contains offensive, XXX-rated material, or infringes on
>    existing copyrights. i.e: It wouldn't be signed by TI, if you had the
>    Professional SDK. (Sorry Hays :-)
...Well if your program contains offensive or XXX-rated material you
probably shouldn't release it to begin with, but that's just my opinion :)

> -- Your program is in BASIC :-)
....I have to agree with this one, but actually, most of TI's DataMate and
CBL/CBR applications are in BASIC :)

> -- Your program doesn't meet any of the criteria for making it an app.
> Furthermore, when making an app, you should try to do the following.
> -- Make full use of the n * 16kb you fill up.
....Definitely.  This is key.  This, in my opinion, should be the #1
qualification.  If you can't fill up all the space for an application, don't
convert it!  An exception to this rule may come by every so often, but for
the most part, anything that's not going to fill up the space can just be a

> -- Make your gui as nice as possible.
...Sure, though this depends in the specific application.  For example, I
really don't want to spend any time making a nice graphical interface for
Calcsys; it's just not neccesary.

> -- If you can, fill up the space you have left with useful data, eg:
>    An extra game.
>    An easter egg.
>    Mind-expanding informational texts.
....It's fine to add some fun stuff to fill up a bit of extra space, but it
doesn't make sense to convert a 9K program to application, and then put 7K
of filler material in there :)

Just my thoughts,
-Dan Englender

> End "RFC"
> So, please give comments on this,
> I'd like to know if you like it, what you do not like, and what you think
should be added/removed.
> --Peter Martijn
> >
> >
> > >Yeah,
> > >but I was thinking about usefulnes too, I can imgine that some 4-8 kb
> > program
> > >could be better off as an app sometimes too.
> > >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> I would say that you should convert your program to an app when the
> > program
> > >> gets very large.  Probably around 16k.  Or, if it's a HUGE program
> > I
> > >> highly doubt, since going over 24k isn't allowed with ASM), convert
it to
> > an
> > >> app.
> > >
> > >Actually, sice we're talking 83Plus here, the limit is 8kb (for code).
> >
> > What about:
> > Lemmingz: 12kb
> > Elements v2.0: 13 kb
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >> _________________________________________________________________
> > >> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >

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