[A83] Re: Apps: part II


[A83] Re: Apps: part II

Yes, you could write the source in notepad, and use TASM to compile.  I
strongly suggest (assuming you're running windows) trying out ZDS for
application development, but you don't have to use it.  A ti83plus.inc file
that's usable with TASM is included in the MirageOS zip file  (TI's is
formatted for ZDS).

Technically the calc doesn't skip all 128 bytes, it'll start running code
somewhere in the middle of that pad of zeros (I don't remember where
exactly), but it doesn't matter as they're nops.

In terms of what messes up on the Silver Edition, more or less, if you don't
turn on the "fast mode" of the silver edition, most everything should be
compatible.  The one thing that definitely wont work are games/programs that
use the link port in non-TIOS protocol.  The reason is that the SE has a
"hardware-assist" that automatically sends/receives link-port data (so the
Z80 doesn't have to waste time doing so), and it'll get confused if you
manually change the link port lines.  It may be possible to disable the
hardware-assist, I haven't experimented enough to tell.

Hope this helps,
-Dan Englender

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harper Maddox" <gte172i@prism.gatech.edu>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 8:09 PM
Subject: [A83] Re: Apps: part II

> so by this methodology, you can write the source code in notepad, and use
> tasm to compile?  The APP automatically jump to the start of the
> application + 128 bytes, to "skip" the header.  Is that correct?  if it
> then making a flash application is easier than i thought.  Also, thanks
> sharing that bit about the header.  I know its in the help file at TI, but
> the new education.ti.com site was pretty hard to navigate.
> also, Does anyone know what kind of stuff messes up between the silver 83+
> and the 83+?  I noticed that Phoenix 83+ has the graphics off by a few
> bytes on the silver 83+.
> Harper Maddox
> ps. If this is the case, then I might port a few games to 83+ app
> tonight.  So a swift response from anyone "knowledgeable" is appreciated.
> At 04:21 PM 6/20/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> >Addendum to previous e-mail:
> >
> >After you have compiled your app (use "tasm -i -o20 -80 %1.asm %1.hex" in
> >a batch file), you must copy the .hex file to the C:\Program Files\TI
> >Education\TI-83 Plus Flash Debugger\Utils\ directory. Open a DOS window,
> >and type "appsign 0104.key myfile.hex" where myfile.hex is your .hex
> >Then send the *.8xk file it creates to your calc.
> >
> >Have fun
> >
> >--
> >Michael Vincent
> >Detached Solutions - www.detacheds.com
> >--
> >Senior Vice-President/Chief Software Architect
> >Radical Software - www.radicalsoft.org

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