[A83] Re: Cerebrus?
[A83] Re: Cerebrus?
> Van: Dan Englender <dan@calc.org>
> Here's a paste from ti83plus.inc
> kExtApps EQU 058h ; External Applications. NEW
> kNewApps EQU 059h ; New Apps for Cerberus.
> I asked TI a while back about that, and I got an answer that Cerberus was
> the code-name for the TI-83 Plus, and that TI used to like to use
> mythological names for code-names.
here from ti83pseadn.pdf (Ti83+ SE addendum):
Note that this B_CALL is not available on Cerebrus version 1.12 and
The calling routine needs to check the software version before performing
You see, it does say Cerebrus...
Ah well, the addendum itself is only a "beta .02"...
Henk Poley