[A83] Re: Here we go again BLODs
[A83] Re: Here we go again BLODs
WOW. That's what I said when I tried BLODding my screen today. I have
recently (one week ago) put new batteries in my calc (Duracell Ultra M3) and
it did display one BLOD, but in the background, there was a whole blue
pattern (seemed like a blob of fluid - ?), which seemed to be pulled towards
earth (?!). If you rotate the calc 90 degrees, the blob will slide towards
the edge of the LCD pointed at the earth. It may seem a costly experiment
(those batteries are expensive - sort of), but you've gotta believe me. If
you don't get M3's yourself and test it out with this program:
:3E1C ;ld a,$1C
:D310 ;out to $10
;C9 ; you should know ;)
It's quite amazing, but maybe this *is* bad for the LCD...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Olle Hedman" <oh@hem.passagen.se>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 7:21 PM
Subject: [A83] Re: Here we go again BLODs
> At 16:37 2001-06-05, you wrote:
> > I have in fact been able to fill the entire screen with BLODs, but I
> >wont take credit for how it was managed. Someone sent it (I think
> >to me, in relation to Calcsys, but it may have been to the list), but I
> >don't remember their name. Just output (to port 10h of course) 1Ch, then
> >1Fh, then repeat until the screen is full of blue lines. It doesn't help
> >you control them too much I think, but it's something.
> Does this randomly put lines? Some lines is drawn twice?
> That is, is it a fixed number of times you have to run the loop, or you
> have to run it different amount of times everytime, or run it until you
> statistically sure it is full?
> about getting it out of test mode, that someone asked, I don't remember.
> Maybe someone with this fresh in mind could say :)
> A guess is though to just send it 03h to turn on, or maybe first 02h to
> turn it off, and then 03h.
> Maybe it pops out of it on any non-settestmode write.
> I don't know, just try around :)
> ///Olle