[A83] Re: Copying the screen to the graph buffer


[A83] Re: Copying the screen to the graph buffer

You could try just ldir'ing it, but that wouldn't get the atual hardware:

ld hl,plotsscreen
ld de,grbuf
ld bc,768

and that would copy it to the graphbuffer.  to send it back:
ld hl,grbuf
ld de,plotsscreen
ld bc,768
call ionFastCopy

If for some reason you don't want touse the graph buffer, then use saferam1 
for the storage:
ld hl,plotsscreen
ld de,saferam1
ld bc,768

since saferam1 is exactly 768 bytes, we can do this easily, however, there is 
no room for variables.  Instead, use saferam4 for variables.

Hope this helps.

