[A83] Here we go again BLODs


[A83] Here we go again BLODs

Hello again everyone,

I'm still thinking about putting the BLODs (those who know what I mean are
the ones I need help from ;-) to good use. Is there any way to BLOD the
whole TI83 screen and write normal B/W pixels to it? I don't think VTI
offers a good emulation of the BLODs, so I'll probably need to test it out
on my real calcs. But before I do that, I want to make sure that I have some
code that *will* definitely work, so I can check if it works or not (weird
sentence). Is anyone able to write some code that should BLOD the screen and
put some normal bits on the screen?

Thanks in advance and sorry for not letting it go,
