[A83] Re: Official Calm Down from the Hays Corporation


[A83] Re: Official Calm Down from the Hays Corporation

At 10:43 PM 6/2/01, you wrote:
>Look guys we are in the business of making good programs, but you have to 
>understand that half of our page is for the purpose of entertainment, just 
>lighten up.

A "good program" is such a relative term these days...or is it?  The
website may be for entertainment, but is calling people names necessary?

>"Macho Man" Mike

Where in the world do you get your nicknames from?  Hackers?  That was an
extremely lame movie to begin with.  Carrying it into real-life is just
stupid!  :)  You might as well call yourself "Dr. Doom" at the baud rate
you are going.  Man, get yourself a *real* handle.

>Hays Games Company

Use all your best viruses!  I've got the chomp-man virus that will eat away
at your data on your lousy website.

Main screen turn off.
All your website are belong to us!
Oh no, somebody set up us the bomb!
Make your time...ha, ha, ha.

(Now *THAT* is entertainment!  Using lame quotes from lame movies/games for
lame people who have lame handles and do lame things :)  <grin>

           Thomas J. Hruska -- shinelight@crosswinds.net
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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