[A83] Re: Official Calm Down from the Hays Corporation


[A83] Re: Official Calm Down from the Hays Corporation

*1 person at hays, and his name isn't "Mike Smith", but he is a choad.

*Bill Nagel was the first good TI83 asm programmer, made ASHELL, the first 
shell.  Also made Penguins and Mario86.

*Hays's site lists doorways as for people who don't have a graphlink.  
Nobody needs it, it's useless.

*Yes, 'andy' (assumed name) is likely homophobic, but that site is entirley 
satire.  But that's no excuse for using .TIF images!!!

>From: NeotwotripleO@cs.com
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] Re: Official Calm Down from the Hays Corporation
>Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 19:48:53 EDT
>After realizing that i have no idea what your "corporation" was all about, 
>decided to visit your website.  After visiting your website, i must ask
>you--what the hell were you thinking?  Who really wants a basic shell?  The
>calc comes with a "shell" just like yours.  And i don't want to sound like
>more of an idiot than i really am, but who is Bill Nagel and why is he a
>"fag".  Also, are the people at hays racist as well as homophobic?  Just
>                    ~RinR

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