[A83] Re: Official Statment from Hays president Andy Morgans


[A83] Re: Official Statment from Hays president Andy Morgans

At 06:25 PM 6/2/01, you wrote:
>Dear Community,
>This summer, the Hays Games Company will be pushing a full scale release 
>program, and we want it to run as smoothly as possible, with as little 
>hitches as possible.  That is why I come to you today to assure the 
>community that Hays is and will, as he have been the last two years, stay 
>100% legit.  There hasn't even been an illeged Hays pirating since 1998.  I 
>guess what I'm trying to say, it that Hays will never never ever ever never 
>never never never ever never ever never never never never ever pirate or 
>steal or otherwise alter code.  Thank you.

They should put health warngings on these Hays messages.  I almost always
hurt myself laughing when they post one.

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