[A83] Re: hardware question


[A83] Re: hardware question

At 04:36 2001-06-01, you wrote:
>If I send a signal out through one wire of the link port, and it comes back
>through the other, only with less power, will the calc read it as a one or a
>zero? (I have a mic that weakens the signal when I talk into it, but doesn't
>stop the signal).
>                   Thanks
>                   Nick Reichert

That depends on how much it weakens the signal.. (obviosly)
I don't know the voltage limits for when a signal becomes a zero and when 
it becomes a 1, but an educated guess would say that anything above about 
3V would read 1, and anything below about 1V would read 0, with the voltage 
between beeing unpredictable.
I have never actually tested myself, and TI doesn't provide that detailed 
info unfortunatly :)
I think it would be very tricky to read the mic with such a simple connection.

