[A83] Re: variable horizontal line routine?


[A83] Re: variable horizontal line routine?

At 17:30 2001-06-01, you wrote:
>The point of using ld a,$FF is obviously that A does not equal $FF the first
>time, but it equals something different.

ofcourse. but it's bad to have it in the loop anyway. and thad mod to his 
routine is a small increase.
and the first contents of a should anyway not be ld:n into the graphbuf, 
but or:ed, as stated before.

>For the record, Jonah's takes 261 tstates average, plus 33 * n where n is
>the number of extra bytes in the line. Yours takes 220 tstates constant,
>plus 29 * n. I really don't think that the speed difference here is worth
>the 43% size increase.

maybe. but 15% is at least some speed increase. but sure, if you don't need 
it use the smaller.
I just answered the request for a "_fast_" routine.


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