[A83] Re: Mario for ashell


[A83] Re: Mario for ashell

At 07:15 PM 7/20/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>>>Mario doesn't use the Ion-lib (since it's an ashell-program..), so it
>>>*could* be that it uses the older version of Fastcopy (and it does)... One
>>>way to overcome this is to run it with "nearly-dead" batteries, around
>>>contrast 6 the blurring stops.
>>You could also mount a rheostat between the batteries and the calc, to make
>>the clock slow down when you want it to (poor man's underclocking)
>I can't pay a rheostat.

Kay.  What you do is take a fairly thick bolt (.5-.75 inch) and wrap copper
wire in the threads.  Make sure the wire is bare.  you hook one conteact to
the head (did I mention this should be a non-conductive bolt? Have fun
soldering:) and the other to a small clamp.  By adjusting the position of
the clamp, you can adjust resistance.  You might try a more resistant wire,
if you want a shorter bolt.
