[A83] Equation problems


[A83] Equation problems

    Hi, I'm doing an assembly program, that analyses quadratic functions, and I want to show the graphic of the function, but I can't input the string "AX2+BX+C" into Y1, well actually I can, but the Y1 equation becomes automatically disabled, and I can't enable it in asm, I can't do the "Fnon" in asm I've already seen "Tyon" command in the "TOKENS.inc" file but I don't know how to work with it.
    I would appreciate very much if someone could help me how to input in asm "AX2+BX+C" into Y1, without Y1 equation becoming disabled.
    I've already tried to create in asm a temporary basic program, with the following command ""AX2+BX+C"->Y1", so I could run it and than delete it but I can't insert the Y1 symbol in a basic program through asm, I can only show it as a text in asm.
