[A83] Re: Interrupt troubles [83, Ion]
[A83] Re: Interrupt troubles [83, Ion]
Okay, I guess that somebody came with this idea already, but haven't
checked my mail since the last one I sended in here...
What I now do is checking if an error-flag is set by my routine, and fixes
the stack if needed, but it doesn't work :-(
What am I doing wrong? (btw I thought about the stuff, and came to the
conclusoin that the return value is only once on the stack, not twice, as I
said before..)
(I can also try to put in a DI right before the JP IntProcStart in the
statvars, maybe that might help a little too)
[using the same loader]
defc intcount = $878A ; 1 byte needed
push af ;
ld a,(intcount) ; Check if own interrupt has quited
bit 7,a ; correctly, then bit 7 is zero
jr nz,int_fix ; If not zero, fix stack...
push hl ;
push de ;
push bc ;
ld hl,intcount ; If a 'direct interrupt' occures
set 7,(hl) ; right after the TIOS-int, then
; we want bit 7 to be set...
.exit_interrupt ;
exx ; Swap to shadow registers.
ex af,af ; So the TIOS swaps back to the
; normal ones... (the ones we saved
; with push/pops)
rst $38 ;
di ; 'BIG' HOLE HERE...
ex af,af ;
exx ;
ld hl,intcount ; Interrupt returned correctly, so
res 7,(hl) ; we reset our error-condition...
pop bc ;
pop de ;
pop hl ;
pop af ;
ei ;
ret ;
.int_fix ;
pop af ; Pop AF back
ex af,af ; Fix shadowregs back
exx ;
pop bc ; Pop the returnpoint of RST $38
; from the stack
jr exit_interrupt ;