[A83] Re: Crappy Coders Guild ;-)))


[A83] Re: Crappy Coders Guild ;-)))

>> Van: Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net>
>> >> Wasn't available, look at  http://www.crappycodersguild.cjb.net
>> >
>> >If you join, can you then talk there on the Crappy Coders Guild
>> >List?
>> Can you rephrase? I don't think I understand.
>assembly programmers   vs.  Crappy Coders Guild
>assembly83 mailing list   vs.  Crappy Coders Guild *Assembly* List?
>Get it?

Ah. Yes, but mostly * and *  are used to emphasize text. That's why I didn't

>(I know, never try to explain something that was ment as a joke..)