[A83] Re: Interrupt troubles [83, Ion]


[A83] Re: Interrupt troubles [83, Ion]

To clarify: this deals about the 83- (not +)
(Although I think it's about the same on the 83+. You only have to change 
port 03h by port 04h).

>From: "Henk Poley" <HPoley@DDS.nl>
> > Van: Kirk Meyer <kirk.meyer@colorado.edu>
> >
> > DI isn't necessary at the beginning of the interrupt
> > (interrupts already disabled), and RETI can be changed
> > to RET at the end.
>Is DI unnecesairy because the hardware-that-interrupts is
>disabled, or because when an interrupt occures the processor
>automaticaly disables it's interrupt-port (DI) and runs the
>code the IV table points to?

When an interrupt occures the processor automaticaly disables interrupts. 
That's why you need 'ei' at the end of your interrupt routine.

>What is the "in/out (3)" stuff needed for, I wanted to write
>a 'wrapper' for the TIOS interrupt. I have now tried it
>together with the greyscale interrupt; like this here, but
>it makes the program drop back to the TIOS:


>	in	a,(3)	; check on interrupt status
>	rra		;
>	ld	a,0	;
>	adc	a,9	;
>	out	(3),a	;
>	ld	a,$0B	;
>	out	(3),a	;

This part is necessary to *quit* an interrupt properly (at least on ti's 
calcs). But now you continue...

>	exx		; Swap to shadow registers.
>	ex	af,af	; So the TIOS swaps back to the
>	rst	$38	; normal ones... (the ones we saved
>	ex	af,af	; with push/pops)
>	exx		;
>	pop	bc	;
>	pop	de	;
>	pop	hl	;
>	pop	af	;
>	ei		;
>	ret		;

Because you call the standard interrupt handler, you don't need the *quit* 
code (mentioned above), because the standard interrupt handler already 
handles this.

>I suspect the "in/out (3)" to be the problem, what does
>it do? Does it enable the "hardware-that-interrupts"
>again? The TIOS is also fiddeling around with this port...

The only interrupts we have on ti's calcs are maskable interrupts. Port 3 is 
the interrupt mask. It tells the interrupt handler what kind of interrupt we 
have by setting some bits. As far as I could see only the first three bits 
are used (the fourth tells the status of the [on] key). Wether or not these 
bits are set affects what code is executed during the interrupt. What I 
don't know is if these bits are set at regular times, randomly, or affected 
by something else.

Tijl Coosemans
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