[A83] Re: Interrupt troubles [83, Ion]
[A83] Re: Interrupt troubles [83, Ion]
> Van: Kirk Meyer <kirk.meyer@colorado.edu>
> DI isn't necessary at the beginning of the interrupt (interrupts already
> disabled), and RETI can be changed to RET at the end.
Is DI unnecesairy because the hardware-that-interrupts is disabled, or
because when an interrupt occures the processor automaticaly disables it's
interrupt-port (DI) and runs the code the IV table points to?
What is the "in/out (3)" stuff needed for, I wanted to write a 'wrapper'
for the TIOS interrupt. I have now tried it together with the greyscale
interrupt; like this here, but it makes the program drop back to the TIOS:
push af ;
push hl ;
push de ;
push bc ;
in a,(3) ; check vbl int
and @00000010 ;
jr z,exit_interrupt ;
ld hl,intcount ; inc counter
inc (hl) ;
ld a,(hl) ;
dec a ; 1
jr z,Display_pic1 ;
dec a ; 2
jr z,Display_pic2 ;
ld (hl),0 ; reset counter
.exit_interrupt ;
in a,(3) ; check on interrupt status
rra ;
ld a,0 ;
adc a,9 ;
out (3),a ;
ld a,$0B ;
out (3),a ;
exx ; Swap to shadow registers.
ex af,af ; So the TIOS swaps back to the
rst $38 ; normal ones... (the ones we saved
ex af,af ; with push/pops)
exx ;
pop bc ;
pop de ;
pop hl ;
pop af ;
ei ;
ret ;
I suspect the "in/out (3)" to be the problem, what does it do?
Does it enable the "hardware-that-interrupts" again?
The TIOS is also fiddeling around with this port...
Henk Poley