[A83] Re: Official H**s Replacement Commands & Questions & PulseWidthMod


[A83] Re: Official H**s Replacement Commands & Questions & PulseWidthModulation

In VTI, the Run Indicator got stuck. Clear didn't help.

>Oops. You might have to keep the _getk in the timing loop. It probably
>didn't quite hang it -- if you held down CLEAR it should've snapped out of
>it. The other potential problem might be if _getk doesn't preserve BC.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org
>[mailto:assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org]On Behalf Of Ronald Teune
>Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 11:06 AM
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] Re: Official H**s Replacement Commands & Questions &
>>Actually the one I sent later was a bit better -- because it didn't use
>>HALT, and I fixed the errors in the first part. You'll get only low
>>frequencies with this one (and not very good variation either -- something
>>like 160Hz, 80Hz, 53Hz, 40Hz, etc -- not much in between.
>Well, I compiled it, and it hung the calculator.
>#define equ .equ
>#define EQU .equ
>#define end .end
>#include "ti83plus.inc"
>;#include "tokens.inc"
>#define bcall(xxxx) rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
>#define bcallz(xxxx) jr nz,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
>#define bcallnz(xxxx) jr z,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
>#define bcallc(xxxx) jr nc,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
>#define bcallnc(xxxx) jr c,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
>#define bjump(xxxx) call 50h \ .dw xxxx
> .addinstr BCALL *       EF   3 NOP 1
>saferam1 =9872h ;Ion-
>progstart =9327h ;headers
>_getk  =4A18h
> .org    progstart-2
>        .db     $BB,$6D
>#define WAIT ei\ halt\ djnz $-2
>    ld bc,$8000
>    bcall(_getk)
>    cp kDown
>    jr nz,notdown
>    inc bc
>    cp kUp
>    jr nz,notup
>    dec bc
>    cp kClear
>    ret z
>    ld a,$C3    ;off
>    out (00h),a
>    call wait
>    ld a,$C0    ;on
>    out (00h),a
>    ld hl,loop  ;jump to loop when
>    push hl     ;subroutine is done
>    ld h,b
>    ld l,c
>    dec hl
>    ld a,h
>    or l
>    jr nz,waitloop
>    ret
>>Thanks for the explanation.
>>This should work
>>#define WAIT ei\ halt\ djnz $-2    ; hey, that's cool!
>>    ld b,0
>>    bcall(_getky)
>>    cp kDown
>>    inc b \ ret            ;This isn't
>>    jr nz,notdown    ;all correct
>>notdown:                ;I'm afraid
>>    cp kUp                ;
>>    jr nz,notup           ;
>>    dec b \ ret            ;
>>    cp kClear
>>    ret z
>>    ld a,$C3    ;off    You're right, I forgot the $
>>    out($00),a
>>    push bc    ;added
>>    WAIT
>>    pop bc    ;added
>>    ld a,$C0    ;on
>>    out($00),a    ;added
>>    push bc    ;added
>>    WAIT
>>    pop bc    ;added
>>    jr loop
>>>It doesn't exactly seem that your code would work, because B is always
>>>to the value 0 after one go through the loop, which would make changing
>>>width not be noticed. But optimization ideas anyway:
>>>#define WAIT ei\ halt\ djnz $-2
>>>    ld b,0
>>>    bcall(_getky)
>>>    cp kDown
>>>    inc b \ ret
>>>    jr nz,notdown
>>>    cp kUp
>>>    jr nz,notup
>>>    dec b \ ret
>>>    cp kClear
>>>    ret z
>>>    ld a,$C3    ;off
>>>    out($00),a
>>>    WAIT
>>>    ld a,$C0    ;on
>>>    WAIT
>>>    jr loop
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org
>>>[mailto:assembly-83-bounce@lists.ticalc.org]On Behalf Of Ronald Teune
>>>Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 6:39 AM
>>>To: Assembly 83
>>>Subject: [A83] Official H**s Replacement Commands & Questions &
>>>HRC1: ex de,hl = push de \ push hl \ pop de \ pop hl ;this should work, I
>>>HRC2: ld a,xx = push bc \ ld b,xx \ ld a,b \ pop bc
>>>More crap coming soon, maybe...
>>>Feel free to add other commands...
>>>1 What does ldir do? Does it copy the graph buffer to the screen? In
>>>   ionm.z80 it's used to run a module stored in saferam1 (graph buffer?)
>>>2 Is there a command that extracts bits from a variable? I think 'bit'
>>>   the trick, so bit 1 is the first bit of a and bit 2 is the 2nd bit of
>>>   and bit 3 the 3rd, ... and I think it sets the zero flag for 1 and the
>>>   nonzero flag for 0. Is this correct?
>>>Didn't test it, but this should work. The 'on' pulse is a bit longer than
>>>the 'off' pulse.
>>>    ld b,0
>>>    bcall(_getky)
>>>    cp kDown
>>>    call z, incb    ;speed down
>>>    cp kUp
>>>    call z, decb    ;speed up
>>>    cp kClear
>>>    ret z
>>>    ld a,C3    ;off
>>>    out(00),a
>>>    call wait
>>>    ld a,C0    ;on
>>>    call wait
>>>    jp loop
>>>    inc b \ ret
>>>    dec b \ ret
>>>    ei \ halt \ djnz wait \ ret