[A83] Re: tst + tstio instructions
[A83] Re: tst + tstio instructions
-----Original Message-----
From: ComAsYuAre@aol.com <ComAsYuAre@aol.com>
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: dinsdag 3 juli 2001 14:52
Subject: [A83] Re: tst + tstio instructions
>The m and p flags are minus and positive, which merely reflect the sign of
>the result. Note that this is distinctly different from the carry, as
>adding 2 to -3 still results in the m flag being set even though the carry
>is not. And p is true when m isn't true.
Well, I don't understand carry too, actually.
>As for pe and po, those stand for parity even and parity odd, which are
>alternate states of the parity/overflow flag. Parity is defined as the
>number of bits set in a piece of data, so %10101010 has 4 bits set and
>therefore parity even, while %00000111 has 3 bits set and therefore parity
>odd. The parity flag is also useful when using ldi, cpi, and all the other
>opcodes that automatically decrement bc (not dec bc itself though!),
>they will set pe when bc is 0 and po when bc is not 0. So you can do a
>such as this:
Wow! Cool, especially when making a serial signal WITH parity!
> ld a,(hl)
> cpl
> ld (hl),a
> ldi
> jp po,invert_and_copy
>This inverts bc bytes at hl and also copies them to de.
>Also keep in mind that the sign flag (m/p) and parity flag (pe/po) are not
>supported by the jr instruction, only by jp, call, and ret.
To save space, probably.
>In a message dated Tue, 3 Jul 2001 8:38:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
"Ronald Teune" <rtwolf@gmx.net> writes:
>And how about jp m,xxxx ? And what's the use of ld a,a ?
>RET C D8 1 NOP 1 ;ret if carry (whatever it is)
>RET M F8 1 NOP 1 ;?
>RET NC D0 1 NOP 1 ;ret if not carry
>RET NZ C0 1 NOP 1 ;ret if not zero
>RET P F0 1 NOP 1 ;?
>RET PE E8 1 NOP 1 ;?
>RET PO E0 1 NOP 1 ;?
>RET Z C8 1 NOP 1 ;ret if zero
>>You probably mean that if it contains a 2 at the end, it's junk to us...
>>Includes OUT0, OTIM* OTDM*, (SLP), [
>>IND, INDR, INI and INIR don;t have that (yeah, I found more insturctions
>>What do they do?
Here my ION enhancer ;-)
; Ion Enhancer by Zeekoe
; how many times did you 'do something' in ion?
; (2 times triggered while starting, 1 time when typing)
#include "ion.inc"
#ifdef TI83P
.org sram-2
.db $BB,$6D
.org sram
.db $02 ;$02
ld hl,times ;or 8000h, it seems to be a safe place in ram.
ld a,(hl)
inc a
ld (hl),a
cp $FF
.db 00h ;these should
.db 00h ;be changed
.db 00h ;to CA00C9
ret ;or another ramclear-routine
times: ;(on-calc, probably)
.db 0,0,0,0 ;extra zeros for safety or just for fun