Re: A83: Re: question about moving programs around


Re: A83: Re: question about moving programs around

um...ok...I think i understand what you mean....But can anyone show me how to 
do it? this is my basic dll code so far:
.NOLIST             ;the basic file info
#define end .end        ;blah blah blah
#define END .end
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#include ""      ;norm includes
#include ""

.LIST               ;where to start it
.org 9327h          ;normal begining point
    .db "dll"       ;yes wonderful header i know ^_^
    .db 2           ;number of dll's in file
    .dw dll1,dll2       ;dll locations
;   .dw endofdll        ;used for searching I'm not sure if i'll need this...
    ;put dll routine here
    ret         ;don't forget this!
    ;dll routine...
;endofdll:          ;there! thats it!

now i know how to make the pointer actually point to the correct script in 
memory, but i want to know how to make dll2 call dll1 or something else like 
that, currently i don't know how to make it have the inside jump/call.  if 
anyone can help me figuring this out I would appreciate it!