Re: A83: Re: A83 : Problem with VI [83/83+(linux)]
Re: A83: Re: A83 : Problem with VI [83/83+(linux)]
> Hi all,
> Me i want to use vi to edit my z80 assembly program, the
> problem is it doesn't do the syntax hylithing when i open
> a .z80 file, can anyone tell me how to do that and make
> reconise it.
> Thx to all for answer
Under VIM, a syntax file for z80 assemblers is already available, it's
located in /usr/share/vim/syntax/z8a.vim, I myself made a few changes to
it for z88dk compatibility. Also, since there are many file types that
uses the .asm extension, you'll either have to include the line
asmsyntax=z8a in the first five lines of your assembly file or do a
little hack like adding
let b:asmsyntax='z8a' at line 76 of the /usr/share/vim/filetype.vim
file, but in such a case all asm files will map to z80 colors...
Solignac Julien
- A hacker does for love what others wouldn't do for money