Re: A83: 83+ midi player


Re: A83: 83+ midi player

In accordance with the prophecy, D Weiss uttered:

> You would only get 2 channels if you're lucky.

You could mix any number of channels (all with different stereo positions), in
realtime, into two channels. Then, to save CPU power, you could have
precalculated samples in RAM (Fourier-transformed to save space). Assuming you
have new batteries, you could then fly to work on your bewinged pig Swilma.

Seriously, in reply to dArkSk8eR, if someone would manage to write an '83 MIDI
player, I'd be flabberghasted. The limit of 2 channels is immaterial, though.

"The Air Force is reacting to the EPA ban on CFC's by replacing
them in the cooling systems of the intercontinental (ballistic)
missiles with 2 to 10 nuclear warheads on board.  If they are ever
fired, it will be an environmentally friendly nuclear holocaust,
not threatening the Ozone layer."
                                    -- Access to Energy, July 1993
