Re: A83: Custom Title Screens


Re: A83: Custom Title Screens

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 15:05:33 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Now I want to know how to make my own Title screens, I
>have tried but they must have to be of a specific
>file extension or color because I can't seem to get
>to display, I just get a blank screen.
Ok this is gonna need a program and this snippet of code (83+ code)
(Screen Size is 96x64 pxl)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Start Of Code
#define B_CALL(xxxx)	rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
#define B_JUMP(xxxx)	call 50h \ .dw xxxx
#include ""     ;Include

.org	9D95h	            ;Prog Starts Here In Memory (ALWAYS)
  ld hl,picture             ;Load data from picture into hl
  ld de,PLOTSSCREEN         ;
  ld bc,768                 ;Number of bytes in pic
  ldir                      ;Repeat until done
  B_CALL(_GRBUFCPY)         ;Puts the data on screen
  B_CALL(_getkey)           ;Wait for a keypress
ret                         ;Back to being a Calculator

picture:                    ;The  ASM generated code
	;Paste Code here

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End Of Code(Believe this codes from the
ASMGURU....a great tutorial collection!)

The program is BMPZ80 By Joel Walters when converting use a 96*64 b&w
pic and use decimal
It SHOULD be on but if not i upped it to my @home ftp for
you at:
>P.S. Sorry if my typing is messed up but I am using
No problem here...(BTW: If your running Mandrake and your sound card
wasnt detected at install do you know how to make it detect the card?
