Re: A83: Re: Re: Linux Z80 Compiler
Re: A83: Re: Re: Linux Z80 Compiler
> Hi all,
> Can you tell me, what is the best assembler: WLA DX or
> Z88SDK?
> Thx for you answer!!!
> Paxl
I don't know, both of them (WLA DX and Z80ASM, the assembler used by the
z88dk) use a linker, while TASM doesn't...
I know that Z80ASM uses a diferent syntax for the equates in include
files, it's is like this:
defc LD_HL_MHL = $0033
So all of the standard include files should be rewritten/converted if this
compiler is going to be used.
WLA DX can be found at:
z88dk (including the assembler) can be found at:
> > > I was at freshmeat looking up WSA DX a z80 compiler in a alpha stage
Are we talking about the same assembler, or not? "WSA DX" <=> "WLA DX"
WLA DX is definately not in alpha stage...