Re: A83: Beginner's Question


Re: A83: Beginner's Question

One more thing:

Where did you find that value?

What key is $21?

It's not a getkey value and it's not equated to any of keys.
That's why routine doesn't respond.

Use $05 and press Enter.

  rst 28H
  .dw _GETKEY
  cp $05
  ret z
  jr Loop

>From: "Dale Watson" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: A83: Beginner's Question
>Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 18:34:06 -0500
>I am new to Assembly programming on TI-83 Plus.  I have tried to get the
>"GetKey" function to work on VTI, but it does not appear to respond to
>keypresses and if I interrupt it with the Debugger, it shows it at a "halt"
>instruction at 021Bh.  Following is my source code, which I assemble using
>the Chaos assembler.  Can anyone suggest why this does not seem to work in
>VTI?  (I have NOT tried to put this into the actual calculator.)
>_GetKey              .equ     4972h
>  rst 28H
>  .dw _GETKEY
>  cp $21
>  ret z
>  jr Loop
>  .end
>  .end
>Scot Watson

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