Re: A83: Calling all great programmers, Again!!


Re: A83: Calling all great programmers, Again!!

1) It's also in Asm Guru
2) smaller(unless you use ZASMLOAD), libraries(most new ones...), and it 
looks better to load(which is better, Ti-Os or the ION, ASHELL, SOS, or what 
ever you use to load it? ^_^)
3) I don't know how to do that...sorry
4)Hey if thats the case, I'm also suicidal and we should get together and 
thing about this together(I just found out how sos load's descriptions from 
the program ^_^ thanks joe for explaining the rest of the code i didn't 
understand)) So email me if you want to get together to work on it
5) Is any of the Guru's too big? well you might be able to zip it...but most 
of them(I have only checked out the asm guru, so i can't say most of them, 
but that ones is) good so...
6) Your welcome