Re: A83: executing basic progs in assembly
Re: A83: executing basic progs in assembly
Yes, I remember in the Asm Guru they had a tutorial on running basic programs
from within an asm program...
*opens AsmGuru* (takin from Tutorial # 49)
;normal start
NewDispF equ 8 ;don't know about these
progobj equ 5
_parseinp equ 4E8Ch ;this is the rom call function i think...
.org 9327h
call _zerooop1 ; Set Op1 to zero
ld hl,progname1 ; the name of the prog
ld de,op1 ; copy it to op1
ld bc,7 ; 7 chars in name
ldir ; do the copying
bit ProgExecuting,(iy+newDispf) ;um...I think this gets the data for
the programming currently running...
push af ; Save it.
set ProgExecuting,(iy+newDispf) ;Set everthing up for running it...
call _parseInp ; Run program!
pop af ; Restore state.
jr nz,stateset ; Jump if on
res ProgExecuting,(iy+newDispf) ; reset
Progname1: .db progobj,"JAMES",0
All tutorials Copyright (c) James Matthews 1998, unless specified.
There i add some extra comments cause it's undercommented ^_^ (If I'm making
a tutorial I, for some reason, comment every stinkin line...
Well i hope that helps