Re: A83: Ultimatum for Hays...
Re: A83: Ultimatum for Hays...
> (c) FRAUDULENT COPYRIGHT NOTICE. — Any person who, with fraudulent
> intent, places on any article a notice of copyright or words of the
> same
> purport that such person knows to be false, or who, with fraudulent
> intent,
> publicly distributes or imports for public distribution any article
> bearing
> such notice or words that such person knows to be false, shall be
> fined not
> more than $2,500.
> This means that putting (C), Copyright, or any implication of a
> registered
> copyright is illegal. The copyright may be implied but not stated
> (pretty
> picky if you ask me, but that's how the law works). Now, I'm
> suspecting
> that the fine mentioned above could be put forth for a single
> distribution
> of a single 'article' (program or documentation). So, if Hays
> duplicates a
> game and puts an explicit copyright symbol in it, and say a thousand
> people
> download and use the game just once, you could have them fined for up
> to
> $2,500,000 (you wouldn't get any of the money, but you would put them
> in
> debt for the rest of their sorry lives). If you sued them, you would
> first
> request that they be fined for violation of section 506 part c on an
> individual distribution basis and then you would sue for copyright
> infringement.
no what it says is that if you are fraudulently putting the copyright
notice on something, like if Hays put one on one of my progs, that
would be fraudulently putting it on. it does not say that you can't
put a notice on you own things.
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